Digital Reports

Our labs ensure turn-around-time of 48 hours from specimen pickup

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Salaha Associate Labs: Labs with industry Standards

Your tests will be conducted in one of our partner labs to ensure highest accuracy of your reports.

Malignant Cells

Lab Visit

Quick Reports Delivery

Auto-saving reports in your salaha account

Reports shared via whatsapp and email

Reimbursement bill facility available

Price: ₹450   ₹400 11% off Add To Cart
About Test

The term "malignancy" refers to the presence of cancerous cells that have the ability to spread to other sites in the body (metastasize) or to invade nearby (locally) and destroy tissues. Malignant cells tend to have fast, uncontrolled growth and do not die normally due to changes in their genetic makeup.

Home sample collection

A certified professional will collect your sample from your preferred location

Digital Reports

Our labs ensure turn-around-time of 48 hours from specimen pickup

Offers and affordable prices

Get great discounts and offers on tests and packages.

Salaha Associate Labs: Labs with industry Standards

Your tests will be conducted in one of our partner labs to ensure highest accuracy of your reports.

Related Diagnostic Tests

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